

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Wow, I guess this is the first time I woke up so early to make breakfast, and is for my "beloved" friend here, Wong Xing Yao... (I'm not your maid, k??)

Well, at least I still got the chance to make breakfast, and today we are making pancakes!!! Pancakes are easy to make actually, all you need is:

2 cups of flour
4 eggs

1 and a 1/2 cup of milk

1 tablespoon of butter (Optional)

Sugar (Optional)

You can also make a chocolate pancake by adding a tablespoon of cocoa powder, it'll taste great too. ^^

Just mix everything together, and use low heat to cook it, if you are using a non-stick pan, oil or butter is not necessary to cook pancake. The pancakes cooked very fast, a few minutes then can enter into your stomach. XD

Yum yum~~ I was wondering how long and since when was the last time I used to make breakfast for myself... ^^

♫♪ Gaohujiejie ♪♫

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